ERDR 2.0 student competition
Communication & Community model
Win 20.000 € with your team

“Is it fair to be Rare”

“There are still people dying of completely preventable rare diseases.
Today the situation is terrible for patients who live with rare diseases, even in the EU.
Studies show that most patients could have been saved by providing a fast and accessible registry for the researchers.
Let's remove all the obstacles by providing a rare disease registry service without any borders and barriers.”

ERDR - European Rare Disease Registry

In Year 2023 we continue the ERDR development with ERDR 2.0 student competition.


The winning team will be awarded with a 20,000€ cash prize (taxable income)

Tallinn University, University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Tartu, Tallinn university of technology and also student groups in other Universities in EU and all communication & community building enthusiasts!

from 1st of April 2023 - to 17th of November 2023

If you are already in communications and you want to make a footprint in one or more of the following fields:

Sales & Marketing,
Social Media & communications,
Data Science,
Medicine, or
this competition is for You!

Communication & Community model -
”How to communicate with the ERDR focus groups”

ERDR 2.0 is a competition where you and your team will plan a Communication model - How to reach focus groups using the best available channels and how to communicate the ERDR benefits for defined focus groups for rare disease researchers and patients with the Data Altruism philosophy.

Other materials and background information here:

Year 2022 ERDR 1.0 Workshops
ERDR White paper

Dilaw as an organizer will launch a series of workshops.
You can participate in the events both as a group and alone. Admission to the workshops is free. All workshops will be virtual.

Please check competition details

and participate with Your team
(suggested team size 2-6 persons)

*ERDR competition is for students in the Universities in Tartu, TalTech, Aalto, Helsinki and Others
ERDR is a trademark of DILAW Attorney-at-Law Ltd

Check the detailed competition Timeline (PDF)

Timeline (under construction)


The purpose of the competition is to find a best Communication & Community model to reach and communicate the ERDR to defined focus groups.

The competition will be implemented using the Swarm Intelligence method with University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Tartu, Tallinn university of technology student groups and all communication enthusiasts.

We recommend teams with 2-6 persons to participate.
The result of the competition is to find a best Communication & Community model to reach and communicate with the focus groups.

Result is a freely formatted application and it should provide answers to:

  • What is the best available and feasible community platform to attract the focus groups

  • How to communicate the ERDR idea to focus groups, using the ERDR MVP model

  • Who&How to reach and connect with focus groups, using right channels and resources

The ERDR system will be implemented in a separate project in 2024
Check detailed Timeline here (link)

A prize of 20,000€ will be awarded to the winners


and win a prize of 20,000€